
2018 Goals

I am always one of those people that takes time to write out my goals for the new year, but then by March I have lost the notebook where I wrote those goals and have probably even changed my mind on what those goals entirely.

I have been listening to a lot of podcast that have really made me look at my goals for 2018 in a whole new way and I am exciting to see where those goals will take me this year. I am also working on a bucket list of things to do before I turn 30. I really should have probably started that list a little earlier, but oh well. I am hopeful to get it all done before tax day 2018. (Visit my about page to find my 30 before 30 bucket list.) 

I feel like my 30 before 30 list will make me more proactive in actually accomplishing some smaller goals with my business and my personal life. I think it will also help that I have time limit to this list verses saying I want to accomplish xyz during the year. Numbers are my friend. Countdowns are my jam.

My goals list this year is a little shorter since I will be (hopefully) accomplishing 30 goals before April 15th. A few of the goals not mentioned on the 30 before 30 bucket list include Instagram stories (with me talking), more personal post on Instagram, remodel office, newsletter/email list, finish website redesign (almost done), content calendars for each month and add new products for clients to purchase.

Whew. So. Much. To. Do.

Time to get started!

Peace and Love,




hi there!

Welcome to the new and approved B.Davis Photography blog.

2018 is off to a great start and I am hoping it continues as the year goes by! I have some fun, new stuff I am hoping to add to the business, as well as, online content ... this blog being one of them.

Writing blog post with actual content and not just session recaps hasn't always been my strong point, but it is one of my goals for 2018. I am hoping to have post that are relative to photography in some way or another and appeal to a wide variety of readers. I will periodically be looking for topic suggestions, so please let me know if there is anything you want to know about photography or sessions or me or my cute dogs, etc.

I am so excited for you to be here and thankful you are spending time browsing around the blog!

Be sure to look around the website too while you are!